Back Light Artist Reflection

My best shot from the back light shoot was the mask in front of the light. My weakest Shot was when someone was behind the curtain and it came out blurry. It could be improved by positioning the person that's behind the curtain better or closer. Yes i used Photoshop for two of my best pictures. i was able to meet the objective because i tried to take a lot more pictures even though i deleted some and i edited my best 2 pictures.The easy part of this assignment is that i could've taken the pictures here in class. the hard part was finding angles and positioning people in the right area behind the curtain. If i could do this again i would get a lot better angles and a lot more different pose. 1 out of 10 in this assignment i would give myself a 9 because i liked most of the pictures i took.


  1. Why is that pic your best? Explain. How were you able to show an narrative without detail?


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